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Day 7 Recap of 30DaysofJavaScript

August 10, 2022 • 2 min read

Finished Day 7! Let's recap!

So, what did I learn on Day 7 of 30DaysofJavaScript? Let's see!

Day 7 was all about creating custom functions in JavaScript. Let's just jump right into it!

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Functions are reusable blocks of code that will perform a certain task. The function can take a parameter, which then will be used in the arguement. Functions can store data by returning data types. Functions make code cleaner, reusuable, and easy to test.

Functions can be created in a few ways:

Function Declaration

Here is how to declare a function and then call it:

function functionName(){
    // code for function
//Here is how to call a function:

Functions call be made with and without a parameter:

function functionName(){
    // code for function
//Here is how to call a function:
function functionName(parameter){
    // code for function
//Here is how to call a function:
Functions can have more than 1 parameter, even an "unlimited" amount. 

Anonymous Function

An anonymous functions is one without a name.

const anonymousFunction = function() {
    // This will create an anonumous function in which the value will be stored in the variable anonumousFunction

Expression Function

Exprerssion Functions are Anonymous Functions that return a value.

const expressionFunction = function(n) {
    return n + n
console.log(expressionFunction(5)) //10

Arrow Function

Arrow functions are an alternative way to write a function, as they use arrows instead of the function keyword to declare a function. Here's an example of both ways in action:

function add(n){
    return n + n

const add = n => {
    return n + n

Function w/Default Parameters

Functions can pass default values, in which if there is no arguement passed, the default value is used.

function funcName(param = value){

funcName() //uses default value
funcName(arg) //arguement is passed

And this is the end of my recap of Day 7 of 30DaysofJavaScript. Phew, 1 week already?

Day 8 should be coming out soon! If you want to know when it comes out, subscribe to the blog below! Share if you found my content interesting, and consider buying me some boba with the link down below.

Until next time, wherever, and whenever you are, have an amazing day! Signing off.

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