

Jonathan Go-Oco About Me Picture

Jonathan Go-Oco

Hello there! My name is Jonathan, and I enjoy learning new things, and finiding ways to use them in my everyday life. I graudated with a BS in Computer Engineering from San Jose State University in 2021. I am currently job hunting, with my main interest being in Embedded Software Development/Firmware, and I am currently also teaching myself Web Development.

I love working out, watching the Warriors and the NBA, watching anime, and seeing the next Marvel or DC project. I am currently starting a blog to talk about my personal and profession journey through the tech industry and life! I am also the host of The GoLoco Show, which you can find on Anchor and YouTube!

Here are some of the technologies I have worked with:

  • C++
  • C#
  • FreeRTOS
  • HTML
  • Git
  • CSS



My Recent Posts thumbnail
August 2, 2022 • 7 min read

Coding interviews are hard, and many don't know how to prepare. Luckily, I have just the resource for you! Did I mention it's free?

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Learning JS in 30 Days Thumbnail
July 28, 2022 • 7 min read

I have decided to learn JavaScript in 30 days (or so). Let the journey to 30 (days) begin!

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My Biggest Regret Thumbnail
July 24, 2022 • 6 min read

I graduated nearly a year ago, but I am still on the job hunt. What is my biggest regret, and what I am doing to solve it?

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To Blogs
30 Days of JavaScript Recap
Day 1 of 30DaysofJS
July 31, 2022 • 5 min read

Finished Day 1! Let's recap!

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Day 2 of 30DaysofJS
August 2, 2022 • 5 min read

Finished Day 2! Let's recap!

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Day 3 of 30DaysofJS
August 2, 2022 • 5 min read

Finished Day 3! Let's recap!

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For More 30 Days of JavaScript